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Learn More about Joining a Fraternity

Why Men Join Tau Kappa Epsilon

Friendship through TKE will last a lifetime. Tau Kappa Epsilon is a true brotherhood that will give you the best men at your wedding and a support system when you need help.

Tau Kappa Epsilon was the first fraternity to not discriminate against any individuals who were seeking membership. We honor the uniqueness of each candidate and member of TKE, and believe our differences make us stronger as brothers.

TKE will open doors for you in the future. Our network is more than just a large number; it is a support system unlike any other. Your goals are supported, hopes are shared, and dreams are meant to become a reality.

You are in college to receive your education. Receiving your degree is our top priority for TKE. A fraternity offers you an education outside of the classroom in life skills that translate out of college and in the business world.

Some of the best leaders in government, business, entertainment, and education are members of Tau Kappa Epsilon. TKE also has a history of great fathers, husbands, sons, and community leaders. Choose TKE to be a better man for your campus and community. Choose TKE to be a part of the Fraternity for Life.

Is Joining a Fraternity Worth the Money?

Joining a fraternity is an investment in you. And while the initial cost may seem overwhelming, the rewards greatly outweigh the costs. Being a collegiate member in TKE affords you benefits such as a subscription to our quarterly magazine, THE TEKE, an established networking opportunity with alumni, educational conferences and retreats, and many other covered expenses. Joining a fraternity is an expense on top of tuition, but the life lessons, rewards, and networking opportunities associated are priceless.

“From my 1929 initiation into the Iota Chapter at Eureka College to this day, TKE has played an important role in my life. The various offices I have held in TKE provided invaluable leadership experience. But my most cherished benefit from membership in TKE has been the many warm friendships and spirit of camaraderie which are only to be found among [Tekes].” —Frater Ronald Reagan

How Can TKE Help You Today?

Tau Kappa Epsilon provides you with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to develop your leadership and management experience. Whether you have a mind for numbers, enjoy meeting a ton of new people, or a passion to lead, TKE provides you an outlet to develop your skills and contribute them to the Fraternity.

Members of TKE are also given the opportunity to attend leadership and educational conferences throughout the United States and Canada.

Province Forums – Held in 30 locations each fall, Forums allow you to connect with fellow Tekes from campuses near yours. Local TKE volunteers and TKE Professional Staff members teach you vital skills to operate your chapter or colony more effectively.

Regional Leadership Conferences – Held each February in four different cities, our RLCs are designed to deliver high level training on both TKE chapter and life skill development, as well as the ability to network with brothers around TKE Nation.

Leadership Academy – Hosted annually, the TKE Leadership Academy is our premier personal leadership development program. Seventy-two applicants are selected to hone their skills and create their personal leadership style.

Conclave – Hosted every other summer, Conclave is the biennial meeting of the Fraternity. This event gives members the ability to network with alumni members, conduct the biennial business of the Fraternity, and see how TKE is the Fraternity for Life.

TKE is committed to providing its members with the leadership experience that is necessary in a constantly developing job market. As a member of TKE, you learn skills such as sales, marketing, budgeting, and even supervising other people. All of these skills can give you a much needed edge while searching for a job.

Why Should I Join?

Tau Kappa Epsilon takes pride in the uniqueness of each member of our Fraternity. Your interest in TKE shows that our mission of aiding men in their mental, moral, and social development for their life is something you want to be a part of. Your uniqueness and your path through college and after graduation will be changed when you become a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon. You will become more socially aware, academically driven, and hold leadership positions that will make you a better man for a better world. Most importantly, you will have the time of your life. Join TKE to become the man you have always wanted to be.

Expectations of You

  1. Actively Recruit All Year: 24/7/365. In order for men in the future to have the opportunity for a fraternity experience in Tau Kappa Epsilon, you too must make every effort to share that experience with potential members.
  2. Be willing to advance the interests of Tau Kappa Epsilon with earnestness and sincerity. You get no more out of life, or any activity, than you put into it. This is particularly true about the fraternity experience. Unless you expect to give some time each week to your Fraternity, you should not join.
  3. Meet Tau Kappa Epsilon obligations promptly and faithfully. Like every other organization, the Fraternity must have funds with which to operate. You should realize at the very beginning that all your financial obligations must be paid when due.
  4. Conduct yourself as a gentleman at all times. Tau Kappa Epsilon expects its members to conduct themselves as gentlemen at all times. Tekes are expected to be gentlemen in speech, in manner, in dress, in morals, and in conduct.
  5. Participate in college and community activities. Participation in extracurricular activities, when practiced with moderation, can be extremely beneficial to both you and your Fraternity. Activities certainly have a rightful place on a college campus, and you are encouraged to participate in those activities in which you are interested.
  6. Follow all rules of the chapter. You are expected to obey all house rules and all chapter laws. These regulations were adopted by majority vote of the active chapter and are the result of years of experience.

What's the Process to Join?

Bid Acceptance

If the men of the chapter or colony deem you of sterling character and staunch uprightness, they will offer you a bid to join Tau Kappa Epsilon. From there, you have 14 days to accept the bid. Once you accept your bid, you are expected to pay your candidate fee ($75) to Tau Kappa Epsilon International Headquarters.


You will then be inducted into the Fraternity. During this public ritual, you will make promises to the chapter or colony and the initiated members will make promises to you. Your big brother mentor will also be unveiled to you during this time. From this, your candidate education process begins. You will receive your Teke Guide and candidate pin at induction.


After your candidate education process is completed, you will be required to pay your initiation fee ($225). After paying this fee, you will be initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon. During initiation, you will learn the secrets of Tau Kappa Epsilon and become a member of TKE, with all of the rights and privileges that come with membership.

Beyond Initiation

In TKE, learning never ends. As an initiated member, you will have the opportunity to serve on committees or in a leadership role. Your personal development really just begins after initiation. You have now become part of the Fraternity for Life.

Contact Us For More Information

  • Rush Chairman
  • Danny Sewell

The Alpha-Theta Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon at Whitman College was installed as a chapter on September 29, 1930.

Since 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon has never had an exclusionary clause for membership. TKE does not judge men on their wealth, rank or honor, but instead on their personal worth and character.

Our mission is to "to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life." In essence, we build Better Men for a Better World.